Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Oh it 100% proves everything.

Cant u just no action I dont follow

can passives be blocked?

Yes but if I do that, it means I wouldn’t be confirmed now would I?
To confirm me I just need a roleblocker on me and a tracker.

There exists the possibility that Frostwolf is roleblock immune and used this ability to confirm themselves still, are a wolf, Luka doesn’t have to be a wolf but could be…

There’s a lot of worlds. This thing being a day roleblock instead of a poison does open up some things and does mean someone is full of lies

If your roleblocked its the same thing as u not acting how tf can anyone distinguish that

if theres has to be a wolf in those 3 i trust bionic and luka so

we are the teletubbies towncore

I’m telling you now.
Me being roleblocked and also being tracker will hard confirm my role.
And I have never seen this role as wolf.

*tracked, not tracker.

ok but like how

cuz either u are not immune and it looks like u didnt visit

or u are immune and it looks like you werent roleblocked

If I said that I’d be publicly claiming and risking anything to do with claimvig.
I am telling you what needs to happen for me to be mechanically 100% proven.

Yea but it sounds like nonsense from my pov

Or anticlaim


Frost roleblocked by bionic. Frost is a wolf, so is Luka. Frost wants to be healed and confirmed so pretends to do something with their wolf partner to hopefully get healed. It’s also possible that they actually did something, Luka slipped and didn’t get the item because Frost is roleblocked but they changed their mind because frost wants to be healed.

Frost roleblocked yada yada, but frost is a T. Luka still isn’t, but wanted to look good anyway and played along, didn’t know the poison was actually a roleblock and fumbled. Is it possible? Would you lie for a townie like that as a wolf? I don’t think so.

Frost roleblocked but Luka/Frost are both T’s. Means that someone else sent an item and this was a coincidence, or that bionic is lying about it being a roleblock at all. Frost would have come clean if he was roleblock immune in some way - unless that roleblock immunity was granted by an evil, circling back to world 1 there.

Ok that’s nice.
But I’m just telling you how it works.

It proves a lot more than you realise.

oh are you like a town serial killer
