Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

oh lmfao
do ur hw or i’ll do ur mom



ok pick 1 or 3

Ill bring you cookies

Yes, and just like how you don’t believe my reads are organic, I don’t believe in newbies playing a game with their babysitters without knowing who their babysitters are.

Alright, I’m on a decent high after my recent evil win.
I’m here to do my first post in which I’m going to say no I’ve not read anything, I was focusing on the BotF but now I’m around.

Also to yall saying about having like 4 abilities or some nonsense… what?!
I have 3, 1 of which does almost nothing and the 2nd of which is nice but needs precision and to end with it, a big downside that I can kinda use to get some info at least.

pick d33z nuts

No only zone said that

im pissed he has so many he stole our abilities

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Can I have another read list except with these two changes:

  1. You put me at the top of the read list
  2. You sort out slots like 22
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Next person to claim dies

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Yeah I did see it was Zone’s post but I thought Zone was saying it like he’s not the only one in this position. Geez

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I will death tunnel vote u

I’m a player.


im ur dad
ive come back with the milk

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Wait I thought he was bragging about it

im a rat

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we know rat

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Yes but what are you in game?
