Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins


Bionic (That poison could be evil but like come on.)
Frostwolf (They’ve improved, imho. Done some things I don’t think a wolf risks doing like baiting leafia)
Arctic (Nothing has changed)
Thunderstorm (A weaker townread than before, but they’re doing the same thing they were doing before converted in the vamp game so…go for it for now. Bump down if PoE is bad later)
Kiiruma (Honestly could go either way, but if this confirmation BS goes anywhere they can be okay)
Eskcanta (It’s hard for me to see this as an evil, but they’re a lower townread nontheless because activity and trying =/= good)

Maybe evil
Zone (Acting the same as the vamp game where they were evil. Weak claim. Kinda looks like a claim just to get by with an excuse to sheep to boot.
Bystander (They’ve bumped down a bit. I don’t feel bad for doing it, I just don’t feel convinced they’ve done enough to be seen as a strong town candidate)
Tutuu (Refusing to read me is a wolfy way of avoiding interacting with me and a few other people. FWIW.)

Catbae (I’m sorry but I can’t get off this ride. Don’t take it the wrong way but someone has to be evil, and I don’t think a lot of other people are Lot of hedging, and a lot of stating the obvious. Could potentially be W/W theatre between someone and catbae.)
Someone (They have scum equity with catbae and haven’t really had much to say so far. It’s hard to say they’re anything good without more to go on, and seeing them dead would unfortunately not bother me that much.)
Leafia (If it ain’t frost wolf and it ain’t bionic it’s leafia that’s evil in that hood. That’s it, that’s the read. Don’t take this one seriously.)

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I love reads

Catbae is voting Someone though, so that reads a bit fucked. But it’s still the general vibe. It doesn’t feel real, Someone isn’t really being pushed that hard despite the capability to do so. It’s just theatre! NO cap!!!

yeah this is pretty slimy

luka was at 2 votes, bys was at 3

your read of bys is based on a preflip of luka wolf

so why vote bys here to “consolidate” when their wagons weren’t that different
it’s still 24 hours until eod and you didn’t try to convince anyone on luka

VOTE: kiiruma

art read me now :(

im locking in no more rudeness only rat

i guess im missing context cuz im still 200 posts behind but why are u voting them then

I’m honestly too lazy to unvote. I’m rectroactively bumping them down from a townread to a potential null read because confirmation BS isn’t everything and doesn’t mean anything until it’s proven. It could be a ploy to buy time.

Nonetheless, I doubt they’re a hit right now. so I’m going to vote someone else soon.

thoughts on frost ?

To elabourate stealing the fish was potentially very dangerous given how leafia has a tendency to death tunnel people. It could be an evil still but, you know. They’ve had towny progression, in my opinion - you can look for yourself. Their reaction to being poisoned wasn’t to start lolcatting or doomposting either and you can say that was to bait healers into going on them but I don’t know. I feel like if you were evil and poisoned you’d blow up on the person you thought did it - which would be leafia, most likely. They didn’t do that.

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hrm…Of the people in my PoE I’d be most likely to get votes on it would be bystander, but I’m not a sheep. So…I dunno…

VOTE: Catbae

why not

yeah this is what i was thinking

gosh these are howlers

@kiiruma can you explain why you think luka is in his wolf meta? i have my own reasons to think why this is or isn’t the case but i’m not sure why you would think or know this given your limited experience together

where does this apply to this game
if you say “theatre with bys” then honestly that seems like a predetermined conclusion. what if bys is town?


if you got a notification in your role PM, how wouldn’t you have seen it

i feel like you’re a lot more likely to mess this up if i dunno you got told in wolf chat instead

…if bionic day roleblocked frost then how did frost give something to luka


Good question! @Bionic r u lying

any thoughts on his push on me? that imo is a large part of his play.

i think that his swap to me using someone when his original vote on someone was just pressure iirc. he thought i was paired with someone when he never really wolfread someone just pressuring as he stated someone. then he swaps to thinking i slipped (it literally isnt a slip. like at all. i said i wolfread frost & leafia but thought they were unpaired so they were w/v not w/w). and REALLY hanging on to that to push me strongly. and i think that theres many times where scum does that and uses that to make an exgerrated push. but also like. hello hes so into it sometimes idk im

Can you quote this push so I can looksie. I want to see what you’re seeing and not do it for you, if that makes sense.

frost mentioned it was a passive

now leafias just very flat and plain. repeating the same defense “i wouldnt do this as wolf” which is like. completely wifom. and like she doesnt admit that it is. and throughout this is actually an admittal of it being twtbaw which is like. like calling urself that is just like… no. although i dont think the original reason that bionic had has THAT much basis with the fish stuff but leafias response is just very broken record and bad even if it is cftwr.