Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

in that case i feel like the hosts dont understand what passive means

You’re not getting an answer to that.
It’s insanely wolfy to even ask that.


Because if people claim things they risk being anticlaimed.
And I’ve only said 1 thing, my passive.
I haven’t said either of my active abilities or my name. The more I say the more I risk.

ok then ger d1d idk

Yeah guess what? I usually fucking do


U cannot be saying that in front of me

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thats a violation

Yes I fucking can.
I’ve been here a long ass time and it happens almost every game that I’m a wagon D1.

I got D1 executed 3 games in a row Kiiruma

And i only play like 1-2 games a month

of mafia

and that was just that one time

And before anyone asks, I was good all 3 times

Please, everyone stop this. This is getting us nowhere.

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well leafia feels pretty paired with kiiruma rn. with the comments saying that we can use mech to confirm kiiruma, when the method kiruma is talking about literally does not confirm them.

also, kirruma asks fro no cop checks instead of just like outright admitting they are miller like. so prob fake. only thing that gives me doubts is that why would mafia do such a thing to ask not to be cop checked and claim miller like XD

also is this game bastard and is miller considered bastard here uh yea

In fact the wagons are proof enough that I usually am a wagon/sussed D1 in almost every fucking game.
It happened in the Don’t Starve one (I was good)
It happened D2 in the VTM one (I was good)
It happened in the Combinatorics one (I was good)

leafia would be my first choice for d1 exe though.

not bastard and idk