Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

but since u know me and artic ur reason in the beginning is completely bs rofl

Voting me is kind of indactive of pushing me / personifying a will to push me from my POV.


Yeah, I know TMI reads isn’t a thing; I openly said that was a reaction test, are you reading my posts lol

why did i vote arctic conitnuous when maintaining a tl on him all along

i just dont rlly care where my vote is

is there maj today?

the first post u made about me

No Maj
Pluraity D1 iirc

Fair enough.

bro what you were literally an unouted alt :skull:

VOTE: Eskcanta

(Since when…?)

They voted me after I outed lol

Thats not an alt
They’re a MUer

Well they’re from some home community forgot which one
but not an alt

@bystander @Someone my epic gamers let’s get eskanta

are u done

let’s not not

is that a real alt tho

u hung up on this for 0 reason

thats a person i saw them on mu before

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Your push on Arctic?
The point of it was a rxn test, why do you think I’m calling you evil off of your reaction towards being pushed as opposed your reads.