Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Also your only defense this whole game is “I wouldn’t do this as X!”


frost/leafia v/w

You only say that

I was challenging your perception of how he looked. Not your conclusion that he was town. Get it right. I just can’t see Bystander ever being town here. Bionic, maybe.

Kiiruma probably town too.

Also to just parity my Don’t Starve game. I forgot 1 final read.

I am Lock town and this should just be obvious. Yes I’m talking about mech but I do this as any alignment happily, yes I’m talking about my character but I do this about any alignment happily. But like as somebody who can see my rolecard, fairly sure it’s green and that you guys will disagree with that at certain points this game, all according to keikaku (Keikaku means plan)

Yeah because me dying and getting rid of Bionic makes you eligible for D2 chop.

want to get rid of you?

lol VOTE: leafia


And you haven’t refuted me on that.

i said that to leafia?

I want to wait, I don’t think it’s real thoughts but the problem is in Vampire Masq their case on me was pretty bad too as V. Them making a wall post like that is just, definitively in their wolf meta but I’m going to ignore it for now, given I wouldve probably also thought that in the prior wolf game. My main problem is that he’s saying I’m 1. Distancing with you despite that defentively being not the case, 2. A few of his reads just feel feigned, I think that him saying Arctic is relaxed and town reading him for it shows a lack of due diligence from a slot like that and 3. He backread on Catbae in specific for not much reason, calling it a wolf then town like he’s hedging a read to decide between the two.



What’s the point of this post?

You’re saying half of your early posts were casing Arctic. Some of them were, that’s why I said “fairly naked” not just straight up “naked” but a large majority of your posts were on Bystander early in comparison and you and me both know that’s true.

Notice I said Bionic and not Leafia?

No I just think that Esk is annoying but blatent town so I don’t know how Kiiruma arrives at the read.

Leafia wants me to refute their 50 claims of “I wouldn’t do this as X guys!”

heah so its a bad read like terible

and his read on both of us is shiat

Disclaimer: I am not trying to improve– Never mind. I guess moving on from all my past games can be seen as improvement. Anyhow, I didn’t find you as town in Don’t Starve. Well, not only you. I found all but one as mafia, except I was then proven wrong. All I did at the end was not listen to myself and follow the instructions of the best reader of the game, shifting all responsibility and glory unto him.

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