Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins


you can even just choose to not do it if you know your meta so well

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@Bionic @Kiiruma @Leafia @Thunderstorm

hello frosted wolf

someone will not reciprocate ur pressure bc they said themselves IN THREAD they were gonna do nothing

its just a fact i cant change the facts

Bionic, you don’t need to. It’s common sense not to act in those kinds of ways as a wolf.

okay but i dont thinkt his but imagine bionic in a hood with 2 wolves

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*checks own PM to confirm something*

You don’t know how much I want to say [something stupid] right now…

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How’s Leafia wolf then lol

Beacuse wolves always act the same way and never do anything new, of course

wifom ur only argument is wifom

im talking about someone.

Kiiruma, Thinder, pretty sure you’re both villagers here. Now please work together. I’ll even make it easy for you by changing my day action to allow you two to speak to each other tonight.

No how’s leafia wolf lol

I am changing subject so answer to my question


Wrong. Couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.

their comments and progression on bionic is terrible
they clearly made up a reason to wolfread me AFTER they stated it and its also bs
their only defense of themselves is saying wifom bs while admitting that its wolfy lol

The comment was satire are you agreeing with me?

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This is nothing about you Bystander, why did you wolfread Leafia.

No. Wolves don’t always act in the sae way but they also don’t just go and act in wolfy ways for no good reason.