Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins


It wasn’t. Frost just mentioned it in the neighborhood.


u guys are great

Play the game, seriously.

And yet you never stopped pushing me.

this is just like the flashbacks omg ty for redmining me of thou s :surfing_man: :surfing_man:

i am

Nobody is arguing that Frost is perfect.
But constantly saying “You are in need of improvement. This is funny” is just rude.

We’re all here to play this game, if we’re town then we’re trying to solve the game. If we’re wolves we’re trying to trick town into thinking we’re good.

Either way you need to watch your tone like seriously.

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everyone is in need of improvement

guys no one is perfect

All you’re telling me is frost go improv yourself.

I am.

ok im proud of u

That doesn’t remove my vote on you, I expect you to point the way so you wont go over.

i dont abt ur vote on me lol

Yes, everyone should improve and does improve through experience.
But there’s no need to just say “You’re in need of improvement” because tonally it just sounds rude.
You need to read your posts and think how it sounds from somebody who doesn’t know exactly what you’re thinking.

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This is something I agree with honestly. Town poisoner wouldn’t poison you.

So you do have some redeeming properties. I love the Spyro games.



Going to head out for now too. I need a break.

Either way I think that the whole poisoner thing is anti-town because all it’s doing is framing another player. I understand if you have an ability to do something like that and you’re confident on your read… but that confident you do it less than 1 day into D1? Geez.
