Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

where did this jaiden go :joy_cat:

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quickhammering our joat 10 mintues into d1 before anyone has checked in is funny but hammering someone who has shown blatant tmi and is refusing to play the game is bad?

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funnily enough i have different thoughts than i did in the first few hours of d1

please share them

not commenting on this. i know you just want to argue and i am not willing to tolerate it
how bout we just sit tight until eod now

except i dont want to argue
i want you to like play the game and give some insight on who you think the last scum is

you are like
relatively~ clear and you arenā€™t using it
youā€™re one of the like 2 voices iā€™m pretty sure i can trust and you havenā€™t done anything in the past 24 hours

this also applied to derps and he instead just did nothing

i need more than that, especially given what iā€™ve seen from both lol and dota as town

town dota is a fucking giga chad hero, if somewhat a village idiot sometimes
iā€™ve seen lol latch on and catch more than his fair share of wolves

both of them doing nothing is pretty much what iā€™d expect from them as scum here

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especially when they have slipped and shown what i think is real tmi

aaand i am talking to thin air apparently

marl i desperately want to sleep all day ive barely been in thread. the game has been incredibly slow moving anyways
im here because i signed up to be here. youve heard my thoughts
i get you want to play mafia and there hasnt been much mafia to play but my head isnt suddenly going to clear because you told it to

im not a fast typer already. right now im not a fast thinker either
im not really quick to discuss things. in fact ive had lunch in front of me and ive just let it get cold oops

She did.

Ah okay. Best to use LBW to do that I think. Less confusing that way.

Iā€™m not so sure they wouldā€™ve killed Achro though for the reasons they stated in their first post of D2.

It does. Definitely think they belong in the PoE at the very least.

Please get some sleep. :sleepingleafeon:

what changed between these two posts? What made you more content with sonic over garfooled?

the first post is neon and the second is marl is what changed

bc personally I really didnā€™t like garfooledā€™s singular catch up post
kinda missed the actual context of thread (like they said I shaded you when I literally just called you wolfy and then went back on that bc i was Wrong), and they also say im not w/w with aerie and squid sistersā€¦ like yeah, i better hope not theres only two wolves in the game and we killed one already.

like this post is just VERY VERY shady, bc it looks bad from what they said but if you look at thread we were literally talking about Nothing. we werenā€™t talking about reads or anything, it would make sense if that were the case but the shift in conversation went from jokes, eggs, and qr codes to potatoes. if someone were reading an ISO that shift in conversation could be missed so I would understand but they were reading thread as a whole so its very strange that they would see that shift and act like it was diverting from an important point in thread.
they also shade me for not talking to leafia about my readā€¦ which is apparently scummy when I do it but not when aerie did it before me? again, very shady to me and very inconsistent ways to read people.

my b i thought the top post was u

i think we said it earlier, but ā€œskill issueā€

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