There’s usually… corners. There’s little ways you can see the game progress that let you have some insight into what the wolves are thinking. If wagons move a certain way, if nightkills go a certain way, you can kinda go “okay, they’re nervous, they’re cornered, they’re bussing”, an unusual nightkill can indicate an unusual wolfteam, that sort of thing. If people are frustrated in thread, maybe the wolves don’t get along well.
This game, it’s just felt like nobody has ever been nervous the entire time, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m not seeing the tells or because the wolves are sitting back and letting things happen. It feels like everyone’s a little… fragmented, trapped in their own heads, and not picking up on each other’s cases, so the wolves can say whatever they want without real fear that villagers will pick up on their bus, and they can also defend their partners without too much worry coming from it (especially since we haven’t flipped a single wolf so far).
If they push villagers, they’ll carry little responsibility for it, because people are coming to so many conclusions independently and will blame themselves. If they push their buddies, nobody will pick up on it. I dunno. None of this “vibes of the gamestate” is anywhere near an exact science, and it’s often something I struggle to articulate even when I have strong feelings.