Dolby first asked me if I had visited them, because they wanted to confirm someone(I think they’re relatively new to this)
Also, those narrow the worlds down a ton, We know that one of those 4 roles are in play barring shabaloth(which will most probably leave a sign in the form of regurgitation) and makes Mastermind/DA less probable. And we can rule out even more if good players claim(Importantly, the Gambler, Gossip and Outsiders)
Good job you disproved my granny claim publicly ig
Oh well it’s served its purpose
But aight
That chambermaid info works with my actual role because I’m Tinker
Ah okay then
See y’all on the other side when I inevitably explode tonight
Mhm. That is also a reason to have not insta claimed… though I did forget Tinker existed in my calculations, we ruled it out anyways
I’m so annoyed that you’re not the grandmother Amelia because someone else claimed to be Grandmother and I trusted them. And then I heard someone saying not to vote you so ree
You clearly underestimate my power
Sorry, I didn’t know dying easily is a power.
can confirm that they claimed this in whisper before knowing about the cm info
or at least before it was out publicly
idk where all it went in private
@ST make amelia explode in public or no balls
Actually don’t that will put us in F4
Let’s please NOT encourage this
But why it confirms me
i mean
its not the worst
it makes it probably final day but also hard-confirms amelia as the good tinker
It would be neutral balance wise IMO, but I don’t want to have a 2 day long game :|