If he’s actual Atheist, we lose nothing by executing him as he’s virtually a VT who just knows that we have a different win condition. Executing him as well means we don’t execute any other good characters who learn info at night, so we can get more info and solve this way
If he’s not actual Atheist, he’s pretty much a Minion. In this case, I don’t think I need to explain why executing a Minion d1 is good, espicially when Scarlet Woman and Meze are on the script.
I’m not too familiar with Litten, but regardless this play isn’t anything special.
As I mentioned at the very start of the game, any script with Atheist in it, you’ll pretty much always get an Atheist claim day 1, either from the actual Atheists or from a minion.
Also in case you or anyone else asks, I’ll explain in full detail:
I’m also ignoring Drunk-Atheist possibility because (as I mentioned) it’s incredibly stupid. On a script like this, with Vortox, Marionette, Drunk, Puzzlemaster, Legion and Vigormortis, solving for Drunk Atheist is already rough. But combine this with the fact that we have base 0 outsiders means that Drunk Atheist has to come from Balloonist (extremely unlikely) or Sentinel (which is like borderline taboo I think for STs to add a Drunk Atheist this way).