BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2


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You’re a very comical person ASWELL!!!

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heres a script i made that i actually like a lot
i would run it if it wasnt the case that everybody hated botf
maybe i still will
who knows
but i worked hard on it and i do like it a ton

important: includes spirit of ivory


i kinda like it tbh, al hadikah demon on forums do go brrrr tho

you could always run it in discord to test it out if you dont wanna run it on forums


yeah al had on forums is kinda :nauseated_face:
id be down to run it on discord im just not assertive enough to try to get it run anywhere


mainly bc this is what happened the last time al had was run on forums :wowee:


its not impossible, but depending on player count it is not balanced (esp with a potential mez)

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ill convince (yell at) people to run it dw :)

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things i like about the script

roles dont have consistent life-death patterns for the al-had
choosing life-death for some roles is actually really fun (king, if you think you have a pixie)
players can bluff that they chose a choice they didnt with godfather/gossip/monk
pit hag is a beast despite being unable to change the demon
sw/al-had shenanigans
marionette + barber/pit hag to just turn good players into the SW


is it time for me to get back into nerdcord owo


i think 8p mez is acceptable
8p mez and a drunk atheist is pushing it


theres also 5 minions on the script tho and you can just choose to mezn’t at low player counts and youll be fine

thanks image

anyways i think that the characters on here that im most ambivalent to being here are
undertaker and fisherman (and balloonist but i wanted it for outsider count)
every other character i like actively for one reason or another

if you want to ask me about them then go ahead!
but thats why i like the script personally a lot because i feel like ive spent a lot of time making sure that everything is there for a reason

In hindsight that minion shouldve been a Widow


but then you wouldnt have the bella!damsel kii!mez rerun


(or a choirboy lmao)

i forgot about the drunk athiest that game was so rigged

i liked all those characters honestly bc i felt like they were some of the few characters that can give good info consistently that isn’t more ambiguous like the others so there is better potential to find the demon

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yeah i totally agree and thats why i put them there
its just that my reasons for having basically every other character on the script is stronger than that

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I like it so much that I accidentally downloaded it


Remove drunk the character :nauseated_face: