BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

the pit hag turns good due to the cult ledaer ability and knows the entire evil team

the demon can semi-avoid this by creating pairs of evil players (although I guess that still works with Chef)

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where by ‘works’ I mean ‘is unpleasant’

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they just kill there neighbors
if the demon is forced to kill the pit hag a minion is dead and they dont have fun
either way its a win win

anyways that’s a fair point. I also removed the FT and replaced them with a Snake Charmer

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if soldier baron ft and town crier are removed this script looks really horrible nice job

soldier is serving a really important role, which is that it allows for the interaction “Poppy Grower is present” → “Demon randomly outs themself to someone who Should be a Minion”

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Goon already allows that but why not have it twice

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you might want to consider snitch → acrobat to jst serve as a worse snitch aside from auto winning the game with courtier

no king or choirboy this script sucks

oh Acrobat is cool yeah, I think it legit can never proc except with Courtier? (since if Minstrel drunks everyone it’ll drunk the Snitch)

as a bonus this also makes the player feel useless all game, spreading out the lack-of-fun

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no wait Goon can also trigger it

it can technically trigger with a snake charmed demon, which is as fucked as an interaction can get. i love botc

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i think at this point the wiki is embracing the unhingedness of the examples


organ grinder vizier goblin minion team is :fire:

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Kazali Soldier interaction yuck.

This is so ridiculous I love it

“I received (x) character token but my information seems to be false. I believe there is a decent chance I’m drunk”

Or the more fun and risky one “The dreamer dreamed me as the drunk…” (When nobody has said anything like that)