BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

You also…
Are th demon

So you know the minions


I’m sorry what the fuck

yeah exactly

exe evils during day, find someone who is like either socially mechanically Defintley good, leave them alive until f4, kill them, then u just win bc youll gete xectued

the only counterplay is like “what if theyre not actually zanzozz) and theyre a minion and the demon is another player alive”

but youll probably have other mechanics to figure that out anyway


I mean

They were correct in making its icon a clown hat and fake moustache


I forgot about that :sob:

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“Hey I’m demon, these are my minions, let’s execute them and win and put all of our resources until making sure I’m the demon and this type of demon”

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so its LITERALLY JUST WIFOM of finding the evil players and hoping the player going “hey im zanzozz the demon” is a demon and not a minion

and this is assuming you (for some reason) have literlaly no mech to find out who the demon is in a game with zanzozz

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is this better or worse than the demon that makes another player mad it’s not the demon in f3

Now what this demon really needs is a pithag script + evil twins + mole

wait what? lmao

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Tipi Tipi is actually like

Pretty cool

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The concept behind it is decent for a demon who can’t jump or whatever so it’s surivial is tied to making people mad

Terrifying (like the bird its based off)

But it does actually work

(okay tbf it also doesn’t choose its kills or who is mad about this. so it’s. not the most heinously unbalanced thing ever?)

The demon can choose who to make mad right?


No it’s only for the final day. You give someone the solution to the final day, and they cannot do shit to you


or does it choose madness. idr


thats really funny honestly