BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

Its ok ive forgiven u

Hey no you don’t get to besmirch me and then act like you’re the good guy.
It’s a fact that my first game (Of clocktower) was Ides of Blood (BotF V) hosted by Amelia.
And that was less than 4 years ago.

So you’re literally making things up expecting I wouldn’t see it.

Would I be happy with you playing? Yeah, fuck yeah, the more the merrier.
But don’t be rude like that :sob:

even then my irl playgroup has already found they dont like travellers bc of how much they swing the game

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I’ve played with Travellers in a few of my irl games and usually they’ve been fine.
I remember a game where it was a 17 player TB. I was the Evil Gangster and there was a Good Gunslinger.
I had to shoot the Poisoner because she was in a doubleclaim of Soldier and the other Soldier got Gunslinger’d.

it could just be he mixed up some details? Idk i would defintley believe there is a botf game where a ton of travellers came in and ran tbe entire fame basically, as that has happened multiple times. It isnt fun

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Swing states in a nutshell

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bleeding kansas

I mean i didnt dream it lol. Ive deffo played one ages ago and something like that happened and im like 80% sure it was u. Im not beefing u or besmeerching you, in hindsight it was very funny and im pretty sure you were an evil anyway and got a bunch of other non-permanent players (some of whom werent evil) to join u lol. I didnt say u did anything wrong lol

A difference of over 2 years for one. And also him stating things like he was certain about it.
Plus it’s known that Hip likes to be a bit of a jerk to me smh. (It’s nice to have you back Hip but geez :stuck_out_tongue: )

Also it’s not just “Some details mixed up”

Kiiruma forum BotF list:
BotF V (Hip wasn’t in it)
BotF VI (Hip wasn’t in it)
BotF VII (Hip wasn’t in it)
BotF VIII (Hip wasn’t in it)
BotF XI (Hip wasn’t in it)
BotF X (Hip wasn’t in it)

Also that’s all of the old games on the previous forum.
And some of them are almost 3 years ago.
So then it’s now a 3 year gap.

When did you play anything BotF wise?
If you say 6 years ago…
Uh… BotF didn’t even exist then.

The most recent one was December 2019. And you weren’t in it.
You weren’t in BotF II

The game you were in was BotF IV (Before I’d played)
It was… 4.5 years ago.
And I wasn’t in it.

If you had a bad experience fair enough but still don’t just name drop someone who’s completely innocent ty x3

Oh god not BotF IV

Ok im glad ur not overreacting to me remembering wrongly

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It was wazza not kiiiruma i got confused

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Yeah I’ll be honest I didn’t even read that game, I skimmed by it, saw the OP, saw Hip in it and then saw some of the deaths and was like :man_shrugging:

How DARE you mix me and Wazza up. Are all brits the same?

It was horrifying

And also a testament to why you shouldnt run unreleased characters without knowing how they work


i definitely dragged the name of travellers in the dirt in servers I’ve played