i think i would go insane playing Blind mans bluff over text XD
I have always wanted to run an oops all amne’s. I do lizards alot so i have the practice with improv homebrew XD
You do lizards alot???
its probably not a great idea. Fol’s BoTF games are few and far between, and blind games are gimmicky enough on their own
you know what i mean :P
No, I mean. You design lizard setups many times?
i do for live games yeah
text is harder cause there is alot more balancing involved XD
Or play Blind BoTC on discord when they’re scheduled.
what is a lizard setup?
in truth, it has been over a year since the last TB was hosted on fol. it might just be worth running a TB or TB-adjacent script
Oh yeah that’s because TB is boring, compared to the more exciting scripts on FoL.
i just think a base script plus no more than two custom characters would be alright at this point. Fol’s had some recent crazy BoTC games but not really any normal crazy games
Lizards is improv homebrew. to keep it simple players before the game starts (usually a week before) hand in a character for each allignment. these characters dont have to match the allignment you label them as. example
Townsfolk - Imp
Outsider - Poppygrower
Minion - Bone collector
Demon - Toy maker
(Yes they can be fabled/Travellers to)
The St then has a weak to homebrew characters for each player in the set up with the idea of “what if Blank was a blank”
It becomes fishbucket on steroids basically
and as it probably sounds. its usually really hard to balance and usually is played better in Live situations XD
Oh i love that. Townsfolk - Legion please.
I just realised Heretic turns the Good team into Legion without the voting restriction. That’s pretty sobering.
all things considered, TB on expert mode could be great around this time on fol. Its simple but it’s shaken up
i think i did one before. once per game claim legion, if only good players vote for a player today they will not be executed.
or something like that