BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

Going back to my planned BoTF. TB Expert Mode has to be good.

We all know you want to run a Legion game.

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How does one play in a legion game? What’s the fun in it?

see the thing they don’t tell you about legion games is that evil has a majority. you can wield this majority by stacking evil’s votes onto one wagon. this is the dominant strategy in legion games and has proven quite successful


“I am good and everyone else is lying to me, except it’s real.”


It’s not a good script, I advise against running it.

What do you mean, I’m sure Washerwoman / Librarian / Empath / Fortune Teller / Undertaker are all fine investigative roles for a Legion script, and I can’t see no problems with Monk / Slayer / Soldier / Virgin either. In non-Legion games the Drunk and Poisoner can totally make it look like such, and there are so many fun interactions with the Lunatic and Atheist as well.

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I’ve floated Extension Cord and my Hatter script as options.

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a lot of those roles just seem unfun in a legion game

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Extension Cord hatter script?

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That’s Viva La Sam’s script. It was made long before Hatter was thought of.


Extension Cord is a No Dashii + Marionette script.

That’s what I’m thinking of running instead of TB Expert Mode, if that is too unpopular because of Legion/Atheist.

Legion and Atheist in isolation aren’t the problem, it’s that Trouble Brewing’s characters don’t work well with the former.

Time to figure out the longest reach for a No Dashii with Marionette.

I was the marionette last time I played it.
Marionette Nightwatchman in a poppy game.
Becuase the only possibile choices were me (Due to Recluse neighbour) or some sort of outsider :upside_down_face:

is poppy grower on extension cord? i really thought it wasnt for some reason

If it’s not then I played a similar script because it had the same build concept of that script but with marionette too

Oh god marionette NWM

whats the next script to be run?