BotF I.I - Hand of Darkness - Good wins

Im sorry, but I can snap like 3 messages away first if u want

im good lol just joking

Meanwhile if Intensify was actual Demon

I’d be a horrible ST for making Politician Marionette over Flowergirl

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you should’ve berated him more



Did you forget about this Night? lol

i think she was just completely sleepdrunk and didnt take it seriously

but it was a great post

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Night was cheating

Wait so who was all the team?

Yo tf, this has to be hacking.

It was really, really great. I thought good was going to lose until she made that post which gave a shimmer of light in the hand of darkness; pun intended.

Shark Whysper Mist and Wazza

Arc got converted on the final night


That would’ve been fun. Was I actually the Noble like I thought I was?

I still have no idea why @Sharklifter


You were a totally normal noble.

Ggs everyone.


We can’t rand town together, can we?

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I know. I just didn’t expect it since I still believe that executing Wazza was the optimal move.

No. I am just surprised that Atlas was right and the Demon was Arctic.

Nice and we won! ^_^ Even if I did replace out.