BotF I.I - Hand of Darkness - Good wins

Considering it had been 18 minutes and he hasn’t responded I assume he’s not going to

Look at who whispered who for one

Aside from a few claims being tossed out there and Arctic being sussed as a boomdandy for claiming atheist, no.

Wazza is apperantly gaining a lot of claims

Quite a bit has happened tbh.

A lot has happened but not really anything of value to the game

Alough Intensify apparently thinks they know what I am so that’s awesome.

Bit of a weird one but does anyone know if a lycanthrope has been name-dropped yet? If they exist it’d be really nice to know early so we don’t assume deaths are happening because of the demon.

i mean, with the acknowledgement that leafia could well have been hit by cerenovus, a lycan hitting the noble claim wouldnt be that bad?

The only reason I would disagree with picking the noble is because if they are being made mad they might be something with more value to the town than a 1-night-done like noble’s ability like balloonist - or they could just be a pixie.

i acknowledge the cerenovus part yeah
altho i do think hitting a pixie wouldnt be terrible because then you get a chain of confirmation of the lycan confirming the pixie, who confirms another townsfolk

If there’s a cere, they probably picked Arctic

Ok I’m back, who wanted to whisper me?
Wazza am I right?

Wazza and eli have been whispering for like 40 minutes now

I think the trade-off of killing the noble assuming there’s a lycanthrope is worth the chance of actually killing a mad,good town role. If they’re a real noble the lycanthrope can just out or whisper to trusted people and say “yeah I picked them and they died their info is good” and if they’re not (and are evil) then they just won’t die to the lycan at all

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@mistyx when ur here do u want to whisper some

also yeah lycan is rly powerful, the main problem is that its an insanely easy bluff most of the time (although with a king in the script it becomes not as easy bc lycan killing king won’t proc choirboy’s ability, thus confirming them)

alright nerds

Assuming the choirboy exists at all, this is true.

wazza spy sending eli the grim

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I noticed something you said was weird, but I’m gonna wait for you to whisper crich or anyone else you need to first