BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

They clal me normal cause I’m so normal


So yeah, May. How are your feelings now after our chat?

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I think Magnus is slightly less nonsensical worldview I can see where they’re coming from. I’m still skeptical though

I can quite clearly explain eveyrbing that is going on between me and derp and someone but that would require me to break a NDA which I won’t do, I think reading my posts (the horror) will give you the idea behind what is happening though.


I’ve been informed by the hosts that this is a really bastard game and that they are allowed to lie if ability text allows them to so brak and magnus aren’t even gueateed to be on the same team so that’s fun.


I mean, if you’re looking at nonsensical behaviour, their grand plan is to execute me and then Bionic, when w!Magnus requires w!Brakuren.

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It does not
I asked the host


Brakuren is clearing me an equal amount, as he’s said.

You have made the argument before of “Why would I be wolf my ability doesn’t help Mafia”

When litterally Magnus and me are:

Magnus: Worse Lie Detector
Brakuren: Loses Ability upon activation

Like ?

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Yes this is what’s the bastard nature of lizard is about.

This isn’t really confirmed, and a lie detector is much better than my ability that requires interept action

You initially claimed an ability to me and then switched it, and magnus claimed information on Amelia and is now switching to a duchess or whatever whisper claim. Forgive me for not trusting you guys on this.

The revolutionary’s ability text confirms to each other that we are set up to be on the same team. Barring setup misregistration (which doesn’t exist in vanilla) neither of us could be so much as a Spy.

Do you guys have both the same text?

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I did not say a single lie in our whisper

The duchess thing was me having fun, and I joked about it at the beginning of the game. I also claimed Leafia was my Marionette as a joke. This doesn’t work.

Not to mention, you claimed that you haven’t claimed, so you are clearly still lying, something you accused me of doing.

I thought the duchess thing was the whisper thing