BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I have bad news…
Dead people can talk in this game.

can someone add tos blackmailer to this game

I’m the Blackmailer, just give me the ability.

Idk you can make my next downside “One of the players cannot talk” (/s)

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I thought I came into this day knowing the team and now I’m just more confused, since the team I presented without magnus and co doesn’t seem to work socially unless someone quite literally did not know the team

I mean someone is like 95% starting townsfolk and it makes sense they don’t learn team swapping so yeah

I think we should pretend this is a vanilla game for like 3 hours as an experiment and see what conclusions we come to if we ignore mech

I don’t think we should because a game like BotC does use socials… but it also uses abilities and information gathered via abilities. Someone’s ability usage has been questionable to put it mildly. Furthermore there’s a genuine 1 for 1 trade between Bionic and Someone.

The inconsistencies with Someone, plus the fact that Someone’s claim is honestly much more like an Outsider than a Townsfolk makes me believe that Someone is just an evil Minion. And we have 1 opportunity to kill here. After that honestly I’d be more than happy to kill you. Your behaviour when it comes to Someone has been weird, putting it mildly and it feels pretty paired.

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I am either too forceful, or not forceful enough, and I need to find a middle ground.

You have over 2k posts, you’re probably a bit too forceful but it’s showing you have passion and drive so let’s do this shit.

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i just woke up

who can i whisper today who is allowed

i am not lying

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The point isn’t to ignore mech the rest of the game I just think it would be really interesting to take mech out of the equation

It’s way too easy for wolves to chill just using mech vs forcing them to make only social reads for a while

Someone very clearly started as town so idk why you’d kill me for being paired with them

do not post
let me get access to the host account so i can c/p everything into a new thread

divert your posting here
gtg so will clean it up later