BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

its why i am asking, did someone vote on marluna before vc set up

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I voted someone but I don’t eemmeb who

It’s not on the search bar so I assume no.
Reducing the Votecount slowdown would be cool.

you voted bionic then instantly unvoted them. thats all i could find

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Look harder

all who litten voted for was bionic.
litten can you vote bionic you did it twice and this counts as your nomination


There’s no rules saying I have to keep voting the person I nominated though


I don’t want to vote because of vizier

Yeah right they dont stay up like unoffical does. i’ll just note it down

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I could give you the template I’ve used for things like this.

show me then

that would be awesome

i looked
youre correct. they voted bionic twice then unvoted twice. theyre currently on an unvote.



I’m in the gulag rn be back soon


Who nominated who?

@SirDerpsAlot you used your nomination on yourself btw
the four people nominated from my re read are
Bionic (Nominated by litten)
May (Nominated by SIlviu
Silviu (Nominated by May)
SDA. (Nominated by SDA)
Litten (Nominated by someone)

I will make a document and send it publicly to make it clearer