BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I wouldn’t tell you. :purple_heart:

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yeah that’s why me and derp conducted a sevret plan to get the vizier to kill you

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Magnus. Litten has infected you with a deadly disease. I’m so, so sorry.

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I corrected it, don’t worry.

we can vote multiple times right

Funny how none of your alliance members can nominate me today.

shakes fist at sky

Yes, we can.
So long as you’re alive.

Do you mean Hell Echoes. I didn’t post

last one


Oh you mean I was town and I got mad? Yeah fair

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I’ve faked Getting Mad before but I don’t think I do it a lot here.

We are such stuff as dreams are made on.

magnus, have you told anyone the truth yet?

You know how to fake getting mad over a townread, at least.

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oh yeah and if I was evil with an into role I choose magnus

evidende is may hard claiming to me instantly

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Lying is a sin.

m debating trying to whisper you, but if youre never telling the truth it just wastes it

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I’ve given out information to my whispers.