BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I can do it.

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You should whisper me

/Consult Storytellers. :bookmark:

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Brak don’t tell anyone about it btw pla

It isn’t out of play though. I literally chose it as my role if I turned out to be a townsfolk before the game started.

Can you guys help me decide every day who’s winning in a scale of 1-5 (I guess at night and might actions do affect it)

I’m not good at mech so I’m expecting the mech people to help me figure things out


Actually wait it might be a green check

I won’t leak your and May’s eloping don’t worry


I love my role

I’m pretty confident may’s good
I used this argument in the game i replaced into so he could’ve worked around it
May really rarely expresses actual frustration at being pushed when evil but does often as town
I think May doesn’t understand why there would be a n1 redcheck as evil or way more likely is just good

yeah I would wager you probably are green check levels assured of that

Did they invert General on you? Oh, I’m so sorry.

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I had a General bluff of “change alignment to the losing team each night”, so I’m sure it gets worse.


Magnus is so obviously evil

I think Magnus is good due to what I can only assume are efforts to convince the wvils to leave me alone so that I won’t die. We probably have at least one protective that can protect me though Magnus.

To be fair, that’s a pretty good Outsider.
You just have to die somehow.

God this game is funny

Their one liners remind me of them as town, and I can’t wager their activity yet.

I won’t bookmark this, but I’m tempted.

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