BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Wait can only otter be voted

sorry i misread

/Call election.

sorry litten maybe you cant

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I’ll like to form a cult @Jinxed

Players may vote for “Magnus’ Election” using the votecount feature.

This does not count as a vote for any purposes besides using the automatic votecount system. You may vote multiple things at the same time by voting them all in the same post



Players may join “Litten’s Cult” using the votecount feature.

This does not count as a vote for any purposes besides using the automatic votecount system. You may vote multiple things at the same time by voting them all in the same post


How do we differentiate election votes from normal votes?

Everyone should call my bluff and vote for my cult.

Just use the full title, right.

you vote for “Otterpopd’s Election” instead of voting for “Otterpopd”

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I’m confused what’s the purpose of voting for otters election

@Jinxed I’d like to call for my own execution

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you have already been nominated today

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VOTE: SirDerpsAlot.
VOTE: Otterpopd’s Election.
VOTE: Magnus’s Election.
VOTE: Litten’s Cult.

Okay driving home now

Likely not gonna be posting a much cuz I felt like I was just getting blood from stones today I’ll let lizards be lizards and see what people info brings us

I would like to /Juggle Brakuren, May, Atlas, Litten and Otterpopd in a circle over my head.


I claim Juggler and juggle

Litten as Townsfolk
Kiiruma as Outsider
Tutuu as Minion
Magnus as Demon
