BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

we have 18 hours still

Give people a chance to claim

It is not?

Not even a little?

We could have unspent day abilities in the game.

hell no is it 72 hour day?

This is why we need the threadlock clock on at all times.

No? It is 48 hours?

its a 48 hour day

its been over a day

Yes? And over a day is only a bit over half of the phase?

day started at 6pm est
it ends 48 hours after that

we started over a day and a half ago

Day ends in 7 hours = 12

oh day and a quarter

im gonna be MIA for like 12 hours tho sleeping and doing stuff

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you have 6h after that to decide

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We started yesterday and five hours ago.

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the leaves were so accurate holy shit

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I might not be able to hammer then, I do have a condition I need to meet

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