BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

You’re a Meat Stick

They always put the men in the backgrounds of the illustration they’re always relegated to passersby


Did someone lead to anything else


same character

Mah Jong severly neglects men

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Why should I vote you for election

Look at this. You don’t even notice the men unless you look really hard

The men are drowning

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it helps me at night :)

i really should not say

I was just about to say “They’re drowning” stop stelaing my lines

I feel like if potter is evil they just make something up

Well I don’t buy the illustrations with men in them is the other issue

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You but the women?


Yeah you have to pay Orbs for them. You play mahjong to get Orbs and you spend the Orbs on images of women

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So you pay money to buy women

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