BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive


Did you understand my claim, May?

Ummmm kinda

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That’s good enough for me.

I gave atlas my word document

My conclusion is I have a green check on may. You guys are welcome.

It would be a shame if someone killed me and ny word document went to waste.

…this was
a claim.

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I never knew anything about redacted until this game

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im willing to talk with you later to explain may when my brain isnt fried

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If it’s nonsensical, Litten made it up.

I didn’t make it up, atlas can confirm

it sorta makes sense but not really
litten knows why

what didn’t make sense

the fact that it had nothing to do with redacted, really

it did have to do with redacted though

by like a thread

I dunno what to tell you it had eveyrhing to do with redacted

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Oh right.

It’s really funny if you analyze the document you would realize where my head was going when some of it is filled out