BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

This relies on luck and my ability to guess who’s winning

i only have 1 whisper left anyways

How are whispers intended to like actually be used strategically

I am not well versed in botc theory

Are you the Saint or have Saint abilities

Why is it still night 1?

“When the LIGHT is subsumed by SHADOW, when the FOUNTAINS fill the sky, all will fall into chaos.”

Who did you whisper second?

@may nya

“Blood on the Clocktower” is a social deduction board game that combines elements of strategy, bluffing, and teamwork, set in a fictional, horror-themed village. It’s a game for 5 to 20 players and is known for its depth of play and the fact that players who are eliminated (i.e., killed within the game’s narrative) can still participate and influence the outcome. Here’s a simplified explanation of how to play:


  1. Storyteller : One player acts as the Storyteller, a game master who oversees the game, manages events, and provides information to players.
  2. Characters : Each player, except the Storyteller, is secretly assigned a character card. These characters are either part of the Good Team (Townsfolk, Outsiders, and Minions) or the Evil Team (Demons and Minions). Each character has unique abilities.
  3. The Grimoire : The Storyteller uses a special book called the Grimoire to keep track of all the characters, their abilities, and the status of the game.

Game Phases

The game is played in cycles of day and night phases:

Night Phase

  • The village goes to “sleep” (players close their eyes).
  • The Storyteller “wakes” players individually or in groups to use their character’s night abilities. This includes evil characters, who may wake up to choose a victim to kill, and good characters, who may learn information or protect other players.
  • The Storyteller records all actions and their effects in the Grimoire.

Day Phase

  • The village “awakens” to discover the events of the night, such as which players were killed.
  • Players discuss the night’s events, share (or conceal) information, and attempt to deduce the identities of the evil characters.
  • The day phase ends with a nomination process, where players can nominate others to be executed. A majority vote is then held to decide if the nominated player will be killed.
  • The goal for the Good Team is to identify and eliminate the Demon(s) among them, while the Evil Team tries to deceive, mislead, and survive until they outnumber the good players or meet other specific victory conditions.

Key Elements

  • Bluffing and Deduction : Players on the Evil Team may need to lie about their characters and abilities, while players on the Good Team need to deduce who is lying.
  • Execution : The primary way for townsfolk to eliminate suspected evil players. However, executing the wrong players can hasten the town’s demise.
  • Death Is Not the End : Players who are killed participate in discussions and voting but cannot be nominated or use their abilities.

Winning the Game

  • The Good Team wins by identifying and executing the Demon.
  • The Evil Team wins if the Demon is the last one standing or if specific conditions of their characters are met.

Additional Rules

There are many additional rules and character abilities that add complexity and variety to the game. The specific roles and abilities can significantly affect strategy and gameplay, making each game unique.

“Blood on the Clocktower” is celebrated for its replayability and the depth of interaction it fosters among players. It requires a good deal of social interaction, bluffing, and strategy, making it a favorite among fans of deduction and role-playing games.

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Mainly to swap information covertly. The STs intend for the game to still be public otherwise though, so… treat it like rolemadness with some neighbourhoods.

a neighbor

You know it OCCURS to me it’s not a green check on may

Wow this is really funny



i feel like if you have to think this much about it it’s probably not a green check

May is certainly an alignment.

Neighbour whispers are free, don’t worry.

you are lying out of your teeth

Jeughors can exchange 15 words

It’s a greencheck because evil May bluffs Dreamcop.

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