BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I picked fitting characters for all aligmnets


im gonna do it, at this point idk anymore

who are you going to hammer

I still kinda think Marluna is the wrong call since they seem pretty powerful if good

tell us before you submit it

Since people may just lie about their charavters knowing what’s inplay is powerful

3 minutes gotta go

ok then give me a name

I have 3 minutes ask atlas

im gonna hammer you then

don’t actually

i have been hardpushing bionic for the past 30 minutes

hamerr litten

don’t hammer me

I want to see what bionic is gonna do from what he told me

theres at least a 70% chance theyre lying

My role is sorta confirmed and if I was evil I would have just given you a name

I have this game in the pocket for us

regardless of alignment