BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

very well

Nobody claimed Saint and there’s an extra Outsider so it could be a “kill one evil / kill two goods” if May’s a Minion. I would believe it despite the frustration read Atlas had, off mech.

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/whisper tutuu


stop. think

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I whispered my result to Kiiruma already


what number?

in your google spreadsheet

atlas do you trust litten?

it’s not a number
and uh
you know what I sent you

I need to add like fifty more
i think you know what that means

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Actually I can find it hold on I’ll just denote it by b

im about 70%
they werent as obvious town as they were in that one game but theyre not pushing agenda here either


They aren’t whisper-related kills…

very well

im not claiming to you then litten sorry. at least not right this instant

@Amelia you’re drunk if you’re good.

I have information that could back up your role and I need you to claim, you are in a list of people

