BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

if you want to.

I suspect there are 4 town dead already tho xo

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I do too

Imagine killing the Demon on the first day and winning. Couldn’t be— oh, wait.

Vizistor 2.0

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I won that game twice, come on.

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I wonder if I should translate a Jubensha script

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You should, but not right before sleeping.

Im the atheist and the current evil team are all mutated lunatics

no cap real (lie)

You have to go to china to buy them is the problem because there aren’t any online retailers

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Everyone thinks they are the evil Demon.

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As the solo poltiican I approve of this

im bored
whisoer me

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I went Magician and what it did was give the entire evil team two sets of abilities, one of which was real—

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Are you comfortable for it?

how nice of you.

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no wonder the hosts keep sending me the grim with all imps plus my other ability info


I just wanted to make sure, since I know how you feel about social interaction.

…no comment
but im bored either way

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Then feel free.