BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

You’re justifying yourself in hindsight.


You are trying to get people to doubt me because there is no other solution to dealing with me

i dont get it
why would making people doubt you be a solution

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sorry if its obvious
im kinda drunk

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I get info every time I execute, if ppl believed that info, its damning

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Rn I can tell you marluna is good

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so how would magnus deal with your hammers by just doubting you
thats your best power, and them doubting you cant kill you if youre exe and night immune

They dont need to kill me

evil wincon isnt kill all good players

I’m rather just trying to cross your wires because people were already doubting you before I was.

idk what that is symbolism for

This implies you think I’m evil. Why would you want to whisper me as a good Vizier if you think I’m evil?

All info is good info

Made up information isn’t.

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if you lie I kill you its not hard

if you refuse to talk I kill you

would please kindly mind answering a question for me

wats up

defo not open wolfing @Magnus

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