BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive


why would you get that info n1 on an evil player

because that’s how my ability works

I don’t get what’s hard to understand it’s my ability


theres way less suspicious things to place may on, even regarding the exact same [redacted] you got

Gotcha. I’ll update the claim sheet.

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The hosts are required to give me something useful

they did

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And the check is ultimately role indicative, just pretend their alignment was evil

I don’t get why you guys are acting like I wouldn’t get useufl information on an evil player this is how mechanics work


They told me they would so I did

[redacted] is useful as either alignment
you either learn a plan or learn someones alignment
the former is more likely

I assumed it was the former but I thought they were evil trying to get me to do certain things


think im kinda sick so i can’t defend much
but i think may is both socially town and your info leans may good rather then locks her evil

thats different
but you cant push that as a redcheck, its a social read.

I mean I agree but like, it’s not out of the question to have gotten that on an evil player and I don’t know why people are acting like I wouldn’t get useful information on an evil player

I thought about it and think it makes more sense as good with what they are claiming but like

i dunno what the heck theyre up to, really
but ive also never seen may act this way as evil so

I can if their plan makes me think they are likely evil trying to get me to do certain things to benefit their algiiement. It’s a fact that may was trying to get me to do certain things, and I refused, simply because it would benefit them, and I thought about it and thought that it would make sense if their role revolves around getting people to do things as evil