BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

anyway I have doubts on Someone’s ability but not the execution part

I don’t think he’s night immune like he’s implying? He is but that’s not AI

He’s obviously faking vizier

we both know that isnt true

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he hammered Marluna yesterday

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After they hit Whisper max

him being night immune makes sense with what I know

@someone I want you to mind read tbis statement

no matter what happens…redacted

theres a difference between “hes faking vizier” and “hes a vizier with a whisper based ability”

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even if the game ends here

yeah but if he’s day and night immune thats bullshit so i dont think so

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Anyways the way someone described his abilities D1 he should have a green check on me, yet is voting me? Rather curious

You are a redacted no matter what even if the game ends

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There is an Achilles heel, but its self inflicted

eh think what you want

Idk I think it’s a pretty convincing fake



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idk what you’re talking about I fakeclaim Vizier all the time

Anyways if you are gonna lynch me do it tommorow or Town loses ty

saint claim?

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