BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Since when did someone say he confirmed you

That’s what the flag meant?


Nice, more availability for others next game then <3
The hosts worked hard on this game, if this format isn’t to your taste because you’re not being read right… then yeah, this isn’t for you

no it was a red flag for your relationship me and someone discussed this heavily right someone

flag is bad for you lmao

I mean I can’t talk logic to these guys.

I get info from the hammered person tho

“logic” mmm

I asked you to whisper me

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And I’m not gonna

then dont bitch about it


Then don’t throw the game by lynching confirmed town

From my understanding you’re a strong enough player to know that saying this about your defense so far is just wrong


You. Are not. Confirmed. In any sentiment of the word “confirmed”.

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“confirmed?” by who? the person who said im “clearly outed evil” when im not?

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this game is getting a little heated

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If Magnus is wrong about me, why not you to

Someone is more confirmed than you because Someone at least has had something happen in the thread.
You just exist

