BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Anyway, I do have a confession

You know how I said I didn’t know fabled could be chosen
I chose Angel as my demon

I chose devil advocate as my minion and Virgin as the outsider but got none of them

This is the post that magnus’s post made me remember. Magnus made an yucky post against atlas being evil, and I think their push against me here is also similarly levels of icky.

Combine this with the fact that I think Leafia is a villager, along with Derp/Brax (though I’m kinda more unsure on Brak but I’m going along with it for now), along with may and atlas, I think magnus is somewhere people should look at today.

While I can’t really prove my alignment, I think I proved my role and I think my role would be down right stupid to have as a wolf role, it provides no utility and it leaves room for interptation. It would make more sense if it was more concrete but due to the nature of my role, it’s pretty much reading leaves.

I’m kinda expecting some alignment checks to be floating around, simply due to the nature of the game being closed and town having less information than normal to go off of.

Maybe town reading derp for that is dumb since their role isn’t really town indicative, I think leafia’s is though

You know in hindsight breaking all the whispers wasn’t a smart idea

You think?

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I whispered the correct people today though I got a lot of information from whispering, just I don’t have anyone to talk to besides yell in a void.

With context from other games I think my ultimate makes sense.

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That’s weird

Hello guys

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Are you a saint or have a Saint ability

I don’t have Saint ability.

i had forgotten i had an ultimate name

i think mine fits somewhat. yeah fits decently

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No I’m town

@someone so question can you confirm soemone is town if you send an executikntbrhough

This game kinda seems impossible surely we have like some concrete information that isn’t reading the leaves

Not every botc script is mechanical.
There is at least on, which is mostly based on social gameplay.

yeah but this is also flipless
which favors evil
it’s a 4 v 11