BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

They had an elaborate fakeclaim with conditions and shit ready to go from like the start of the game


someone didn’t tell me anything about info stuff


Someone doesn’t… claim to receive information?

I just wan teverybody to keep this in mind when evaluating their claim here

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they don’t recieve info yeah

I know her info is absolutely true in nature

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And they got Shab right

Yeah I think the Whisper conversion is actually real. Wild I guessed it

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Oh wait no spy doesn’t see grim while dead

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I wish lmao, instant game solve lmao

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We really do look like a cult tbf


That would be really funny if it was true.

Yeah, Marluna’s information doesn’t incriminate Brak from what I know, so I’m assuming there’s something else.

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Think about it
First deep whispers yoy
Then the next day I whisper you, and then derp wjispers me

Then Marluna whispers you and wants to whisper me

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The Storytellers really wanted a Mezepheles Demon, huh.

@Marluna can you elaborate?

im crying

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