BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

there is no hammer so its ight

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I don’t want to vote in otter election and I don’t remember if I did

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also hammer

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I didn’t vote d1 cuz I forgot to place votr wfyer otter

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It doesn’t make sense if you Have ANY information similar to a Cop on us.

If I Copped Someone, I’m not gonna be like “Hmm! Maybe the person that they are claiming to be aligned with is town, but the person I checked isn’t!”

At this point I’m convinced Someone’s bluff has ~500 characters in length.

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I dont have cop info, but who said I had said info?

its <200


I never said it was MY info

You said it would be impossible to fit your ability text onto a token.

yea its really close to 200

tho tbh I have never seen a BOTC token irl


It’s certainly not Marluna’s info, either. Her information, while really interesting and useful for a potentially wondrous ability, doesn’t incriminate or really even check Brakuren’s slot unless she lied about it publicly.

yea, thats for who I hammer

I havent hammered you have I?

Because you can’t.

No it isn’t read your post lmao