BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

The true demon is the friends we made along the way

Anybody wanna last-minute whisper

I didnt gain it until EON

Why do you think I’m going insane

id be down

Hey SDA what’s your public claim again I forgot it

I dont have anything in particular to discuss I just like whispers


It’s so hard to explain how not being able to whisper… makes someone want to whisper so much more :sob:


If I guess what alignment is winning on a scale of 1-5 right I get an ability to use the next night

@Magnus Is your lie detector shit a fakeclaim. You have to tell me if it’s a fakeclaim

/whisper May


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yayyy whispers wooo

by the way
didnt magnus claim confirmable d1

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Are you sure about that

oh brak

Townsfolk General
Ultimate Carny
Every night* guess what the team STs think is winning. If you are correct, you receive a prize.

Something like that


quick question
does magnus know your character

I think that we’re doing really well in narrowing down demon candidates and our plan’s going to ensure that Brak receives good information to help us further eliminate candidates

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