BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

someone, tell us if youre about to hammer, fyi

ok but like I want to hammer before it gets close to EOD

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Is Amelia alive

…whys that

I can’t remember


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Atlas who do you currently think the demon is
I’ve seen people say who it isn’t and I agree with that bur

i have a pretty large poe
it doesnt help that nobody wants to narrow it down

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VOTE: Amelia

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pretty much everyone alive sans the 4? people i trust

tutuu can still be wolf or demon just a strange one
aint looming into that today tho

VOTE: Amelia

Alright, that was a fairly simple catch-up.
Bionic isn’t an Outsider, they’ve said their role will win “us” the game. I still think they’re town… for similar reasons to why May thinks they’re evil, except it’s off their mechanical assertions rather than socials so it’s less poignant.


again, someone
give us 5 minutes of warning before you hammer

Hasn’t Someone already nominated?

Derp hasn’t
Our alliance has been careful with nominations

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I thought you were hardclearing Tutuu.

pls get actions in 30m before EOD