BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

How else would you expect it to work?

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Well when you refresh it, it starts at the new refresh

plenty of things you could do to save its progresss, seeing as how votes dont change one a post exists its silly to go through every post every time

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Someone what are you thinking

That’s what the refresh… already does?


theirs really no reason for that to be only manual tho

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Alright, so what would you suggest specifically?

by making it manual yoy allow hosts to edit the vote count manually

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I messaged chloe about it and they said they would just ask the people who made it if they would do that since they probs would want it anyways

I think we hammer amelia for this round and see where we go from here

am planing on ending day any objections?

I was wondering what you propose as a save point since it still needs a metric.

Alright, I can come clean on why Amelia’s cleared…

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I will say this game being one of the few exceptions, 95% of mafia games dont have anything past very basic vote modification which wouldnt be terribly difficult to account for, and you could turn the automatic refresh off for the handfull of games that have complicated vote systems

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I meant with the current system hosts
can change peoples votes or remove them

Thats a thing?



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That also could still exists, hosts could still manually refresh vote count if they needed to for whatever reason but I feel like thats very rare?

how do i do that?