BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

like right now?

Sure, why not? Nothing should happen, right?

@Kiiruma you didnt fuck with my ability right?

Oh right, that might have happened.

It might have, its possible

I mean I doubt I would get buffed if he did

I mean I could’ve potentially caused it to mutate more without us knowing.
But at least the info you learned last night should be sober, healthy + true

wait NOBODY knows?

bro why

It’ll be fine.
It’d only boost your ability if that harms the good team, as in if you’re evil, which…

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Which is why I picked Someone as a sort of litmus test

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Imagine it rng’s who gets hammered

actual roulette

That would be fun but terrible


Imagine it hammers yourself and the game ends.

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ok I finally asked will lyk when feedback


Game wont end but yea


wait what happens if someone picked to not betray

I didnt even pick that, I picked Yes, which is stupid since it had a negation I didnt read