BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive


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Then im not confirmed

next person to talk is demon


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Yes, I think I can.

But cuz I think we are opposite alligments right now.

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demon says what

That sounds about right, but we got time

Someone, I am just good.
I was the only outsider claim for days.
And my ability has been corroborated pretty well.


Plus evils really seem intent on making me lose lmao

anyways brak what do you think about magnus after him being in a 4 person demon POE

Actual strategy chats tend to last longer than ten minutes or so, and apart from whispering Someone for about that long they remained still in chat, not making much of an attempt to reach out. As May noted, w!Bionic is typically more “muted” in the chat, and while she took that to mean socially, I was looking at their “powerful role” bluff which hasn’t been precedented as evil. Along with the attempt on their life all of yesterday, they seemed like a victim with a gauntlet about to be thrown on them more than anything.

That doesnt mean anything, why did you pick me

@Jinxed :hammer: @SirDerpsAlot :triangular_flag_on_post: @Someone

To ensure you gave us correct information.

I asked you to not pick me

that’s the problem


I find it bizarre how people are alleging that “nobody can be confirmed”, as if this isn’t a mechanical and social game with quite a decent amount of information for a rolemadness setup.

no one talks to viziers I swear