BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

It occurred to me earlier that Bionic was not, indeed, Scorbunny.
I thought they were the same person for the longest time.

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Hell if I breathe im evil apparently

That’s basically what Magnus has argues all game yeah

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The funny thing is that I wasn’t even the first person to suspect Someone.

Yea its so annoying

Like the case on you is you being vizer = wolf as if you can’t pick any role for any alignment

Please don’t bring AtE into the game.


Irony 100

what ate

Not really, though. A Townsfolk Vizier who’s locked onto good, is modannounced and can execute individually without further information. This is what I’d expect for a Townsfolk.

Theirs a difference between ATE and complaining the reason you’re wolf reading them is annoying lol

You really can’t argue that you haven’t just said everything he’s done or can do makes them a wolf ngl

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Calling it annoying, namely. It feels like an out-of-place remark engineered to invite sympathy.

Ok you’re not the host so it dosent really matter what you expect you don’t know anything else in the game or what the games balanced around?

Eh nah I don’t think saying something is annyoing is AtE.

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I’m not even someone and it’s objectively annoyed me lol

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Man’s would know too (sorry brak ily)

Compare your claim with Someone’s and the disparity is obvious.

When I think of AtE I think of Alice

Should I just hammer myself