BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

this is disturbing news for your world view

kii getting an ability to stop an instant quickhammer (provided this wasn’t colluded between someone and him) sounds. very towny.


Is this the actual ability text, paraphrased?

Well that is janky af

Then Brak can be the day’s execution as far as I care.

Best and most important person is the exact wording

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Hey guys remember when magnus claimed ohtsider

I want to execute Someone today because they’re vulnerable.


Also I told y’all it was likely second outsider couldn’t out

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Why would you want to execute them because of that?

This + Magnus in demon PoE we make die

In which case it’s even more wrong for me to fakeclaim Outsider as evil if I don’t know it’s safe.

I was scared of being executed while dead skipping the whole day

Because they’re outed evil.

Im not though omg

How are they outed evil?