BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

…if its clearly not why haven’t we all spaded magnus to death

Ravenswood bluff is the only town we can elect a dead guy as a mayor and not be called crazy

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there was a town with a cat as a mayor


We would be in such better shape if we elected a cat here.

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proceeds to deadcoin

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i think he won re-election

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Does no one get that this is exactly how Magnus has sounded for their push on someone and their reasoning for why bionic isn’t outsider

I have explained in detail why Someone’s claim falls apart at the seams.
You’re just being spiteful.



Fuck mb I’m doing a lot of things at once

if so that just makes you an equal, brutus

It’s the exact same reasoning

It would be funny to run an all outsider script

For the record, people did say that rightfully about me.
With the lie detector claim. It was “something Magnus would do, not Hazard or Snowe”.

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The point is neither of our arguments hold any merit


Yeah you got it good job

then why are you still arguing
you must find something else to push them on if you wanna continue

I pushed them on it for two posts to show how bad the logic is LOL

and weakened your argument in the future, ja?