BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

What id Pandora is the Demon

not yet!

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I’m in the Uber from working on the game I’m helping with to the party rn

Their ability is so helpful, though.

I’ll stop just mindlessly yelling at you tho Magnus cuz that’s boring for both of us as either alignments tbh

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I unironically think Magnus is mad

What is it again

Just got a little to into it earlier

This is not natural behavior

I’m so bad I’m loweffortinf this game

I still don’t understand madness tbh

You need to convince everyone else of X

Someone was revived so it’s a Shab sloth game

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im stll very disconnected from this game

is someone claiming evil


thats nice

I turned evil, and they are trying to kill me to lock me in it sucks

Did you see my demon Poe I got from host? Can’t remember if you were in thread during that