BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

what the fuck


Hm I’d rather go Amelia over Magnus today then cuz I think Magnus is more likely demon

I dont want the game to end while im evil I will actually get depression

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I think it’s optimal to kill someone

Hm maybe Pandora isn’t the Demon then. Amelia?

but like why

to be fair i dont want you to be evil on final day

I’m sorry but my FM morals don’t allow me

I’m pro neutral and I see someone as a neutral more or less


Someone: Has the coolest role imaginable
Me: Each night you might find out if the demon is alive

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if you are a minion, you lied and killing hoh kills a minion
I’d you are good, you didn’t lie, and killing hoh didn’t killa good

and you seem to be conditionally immune

My Outsider ability ping makes sense in conjunction with Amelia’s claim. Even though I’m in that POE, I don’t think it’s them.

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evil and alive*

im immune to characters that are not my alignment

Skill issue tbh

Silviu choose Shab lasy game as demom

so when I was good, I was immune to the demon for example

Don’t ask me to make a team with them evil on it don’t do it may

so I bet you evils think im lying and just good, and pushing me cuz this is the only way